本文介绍了在EXCEL VBA中使用C#DLL的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





 声明函数getString Lib<我的DLL的路径> ()as string 

sub test()
range(A1)。value = getString
End Sub





VBA只支持stdcall作为调用约定,它不能真正处理Unicode的DLL函数。这是不错的,因为.Net中String的默认调度是VBA所期望的(指向Ansi char的指针)。另外,stdcall是我用于导出的默认调用约定。



  [ComVisible(true) ,ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)] 
public class Sample
public string Text

public string TestMethod()
return Text +...;

static class UnmanagedExports
static Object CreateDotNetObject(String text)
return new Sample {Text = text};

这是如何从VBA调用: p>

 声明函数CreateDotNetObject Lib如果可以从Excel访问程序集或程序集的完整路径_ 
ByVal Text As String)作为对象


Dim instance As Object

Set instance = CreateDotNetObject(Test 1)
Debug.Print instance.Text

Debug.Print instance.TestMethod

instance.text =abc 123VBA中的大小写不正确的工作原理

Debug.Print instance.Text
End Sub

I am running into a little problem here and need you guys' help.

I have a C# DLL exposed through COM interop. It is working alright, but apparently the deployment of C# interop object is a disaster and you need to regasm every time you update the DLL.

So I am wondering how I can use the functions from this C# DLL like the following:Or anything that I can call the functions by just putting the DLL and the spreadsheet together.

Declare Function getString Lib "<PATH of my DLL>" () as string

sub test()
   range("A1").value = getString
End Sub

Syntax might be wrong.


You can do that, but you have to be aware of the differences of VBA and .Net.
First, you have to create an actual DLL (.Net assemblies are not), to do that, use this project template.Then again, you have to be aware of how to marshal stuff.
VBA only supports stdcall as calling convention and it can't really deal with Unicode for DLL functions. This isn't bad per se, as the default marshaling for String in .Net is what VBA is expecting (a pointer to an Ansi char). Also, stdcall is the default calling convention that I use for exports.

I'll reuse a sample I've create recently for another SO thread:

Put this in a project you created using my template:

[ComVisible(true), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)]
public class Sample
   public string Text
      [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]
      [param: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]

   [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]
   public string TestMethod()
      return Text + "...";

static class UnmanagedExports
   [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]
   static Object CreateDotNetObject(String text)
      return new Sample { Text = text };

This is how to call it from VBA:

Declare Function CreateDotNetObject Lib "The full path to your assembly or just the assembly if it is accessible from Excel" _
  (ByVal text As String) As Object

Sub test()

  Dim instance As Object

  Set instance = CreateDotNetObject("Test 1")
  Debug.Print instance.Text

  Debug.Print instance.TestMethod

  instance.text = "abc 123" ' case insensitivity in VBA works as expected'

  Debug.Print instance.Text
End Sub

这篇关于在EXCEL VBA中使用C#DLL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 00:24