


I have some HTML with the following approximate structure and positioning:

<div class="grand-parent" style="position: absolute">
  <div class="parent" style="position: relative">
    <div class="child"></div>


In my jQuery widget, I'm trying to insert an element that is located inside the "offset parent" of the element targeted by the widget. To do so, I essentially have code like this:

var targetElement = $('.child');

不幸的是,该元素似乎是作为的孩子插入的.grand- parent 而不是 parent 。我对 offsetParent()(以及文档似乎支持这个)的理解是 offsetParent()应该返回 .parent 因为它位于相对位置。我对offsetParent的理解是不正确的,还是jQuery存在问题(我使用的是1.4.1)。

Unfortunately, the element appears to be inserted as a child of .grand-parent instead of parent. My understanding of offsetParent() (and the documentation seems to back this) is that offsetParent() should return .parent because it is positioned relative. Is my understanding of offsetParent incorrect, or is there a problem with jQuery (I'm using 1.4.1).


根据 https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/element.offsetParent offsetParent 如果未显示父级( display:none ),则无法正常工作。就我而言,容器元素就是这样。

According to https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/element.offsetParent, offsetParent doesn't work as I had expected if the parent is not displayed (display: none). In my case, the container element is just that.


09-24 15:36