







只要输入 DECLARE ,就会开始一个PL / SQL块。现在,您正在调用PL / SQL,而PL / SQL正在调用SQL。因此,您需要决定如何处理从SQL返回的数据(在PL / SQL中)。这样做的方法是通过 INTO 子句和一个接收输出的变量。考虑到如果不提供 INTO 子句, SELECT 的输出数据将放在哪里?它必须去某个地方,对吗?


I have some different SELECT queries with same values. I want to use something like DECLARE but when I write a simple DECLARE it says that "INTO" is expected.

If I want only a "SELECT", how can I use this form witout "INTO"?

Simply I have two (or more) selects:

SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE column1=5 and column2=6;


SELECT * FROM my_table2 WHERE col1=5 and col2=6;

Now I want to declare a variable like var_col1 and var_col2 and use them in both select queries at the same time.

I thought this would work:

var_col1 number := 5;
var_vol2 number := 6;
SELECT * FROM my_table1 WHERE column1=var_col1 and column2=var_col2;
SELECT * FROM my_table2 WHERE col1=var_col1 and col2=var_col1;
/* and more SELECTs with var_col1 and var_col2 */

But no chance... How is the way to do that without a procedure or function?


When you write select * from some_table; in SQL*Plus, SQL*Plus is acting as the client program, and does a lot of work for you, under the covers, in terms of the data being returned from the database, formatting it and displaying it.

As soon as you type DECLARE, you begin a PL/SQL block. Now, You're calling PL/SQL, and PL/SQL is calling SQL. As a result, you need to decide how to handle the data being returned from the SQL, in PL/SQL. The way to do that, is via an INTO clause and a variable to receive the output. Considering that, where would the output data from the SELECT go, if you don't provide an INTO clause? It has to go somewhere, right?

Hope that's clear.


08-15 00:12