


I have a dataframe of all_points and their coordinates:

all_points =
   point_id   latitude  longitude
0          1  41.894577 -87.645307
1          2  41.894647 -87.640426
2          3  41.894713 -87.635513
3          4  41.894768 -87.630629
4          5  41.894830 -87.625793


and a dataframe of the parent_points:

parent_pts =
0       1
1       2


I want to create a column on the all_points dataframe with the closest parent point to each point.


This is my trial, but I might be making it more complicated:

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

def closest_point(point, points):
    """ Find closest point from a list of points. """
    return points[cdist([point], points).argmin()]

def match_value(df, col1, x, col2):
    """ Match value x from col1 row to value in col2. """
    return df[df[col1] == x][col2].values[0]

all_points['point'] = [(x, y) for x,y in zip(all_points['latitude'], all_points['longitude'])]
parent_pts['point'] = all_points['point'][all_points['point_id   '].isin(parent_pts['parent_id'])]

all_points['parent'] = [match_value(parent_pts, 'point', x, 'parent_id') for x in all_points['closest']]


The parent_point is a subset of the all_points.


I get this error when I try to use the closest_point function:

ValueError: XB must be a 2-dimensional array.



First, let me start by saying that it appears to me that your longitudes and latitudes are locations on Earth. Assuming that Earth is a sphere, the distance between two points should be computed as the length along great-circle distance and not as Euclidean distance that you get using cdist.

从编程的角度来看(最适合您的学习曲线),最简单的方法是使用 astropy.他们的文档相当不错,有时带有有用的示例,例如,参见 match_coordinates_sky() 与astropy匹配的目录.

The easiest approach from the programming point of view (except for the learning curve for you) is to use the astropy package. They have quite an OK documentation sometimes with useful examples, see, e.g., match_coordinates_sky() or catalog matching with astropy.


Then you might do something like this:

>>> from astropy.units import Quantity
>>> from astropy.coordinates import match_coordinates_sky, SkyCoord, EarthLocation
>>> from pandas import DataFrame
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # Create your data as I understood it:
>>> all_points = DataFrame({'point_id': np.arange(1,6), 'latitude': [41.894577, 41.894647, 41.894713, 41.894768, 41.894830], 'longitude': [-87.645307, -87.640426, -87.635513, -87.630629, -87.625793 ]})
>>> parent_pts = DataFrame({'parent_id': [1, 2]})
>>> # Create a frame with the coordinates of the "parent" points:
>>> parent_coord = all_points.loc[all_points['point_id'].isin(parent_pts['parent_id'])]
>>> print(parent_coord)
    latitude  longitude  point_id
0  41.894577 -87.645307         1
1  41.894647 -87.640426         2
>>> # Create coordinate array for "points" (in principle the below statements
>>> # could be combined into a single one):
>>> all_lon = Quantity(all_points['longitude'], unit='deg')
>>> all_lat = Quantity(all_points['latitude'], unit='deg')
>>> all_pts = SkyCoord(EarthLocation.from_geodetic(all_lon, all_lat).itrs, frame='itrs')
>>> # Create coordinate array for "parent points":
>>> parent_lon = Quantity(parent_coord['longitude'], unit='deg')
>>> parent_lat = Quantity(parent_coord['latitude'], unit='deg')
>>> parent_catalog = SkyCoord(EarthLocation.from_geodetic(parent_lon, parent_lat).itrs, frame='itrs')
>>> # Get the indices (in parent_catalog) of parent coordinates
>>> # closest to each point:
>>> matched_indices = match_coordinates_sky(all_pts, parent_catalog)[0]
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>>> all_points['parent_id'] = [parent_pts['parent_id'][idx] for idx in matched_indices]
>>> print(all_points)
    latitude  longitude  point_id  parent_id
0  41.894577 -87.645307         1          1
1  41.894647 -87.640426         2          2
2  41.894713 -87.635513         3          2
3  41.894768 -87.630629         4          2
4  41.894830 -87.625793         5          2

我想补充一点,match_coordinates_sky()不仅返回匹配的索引,而且还返回数据点和匹配的父"点之间的角距列表以及数据点和匹配的父"点之间的距离(以米为单位) "观点.这可能对您的问题有用.

I would like to add that match_coordinates_sky() returns not only matching indices but also a list of angular separations between the data point and the matched "parent" point as well as distance in meters between the data points and the matched "parent" point. It may be useful for your problem.


08-14 23:37