

我需要在Excel中创建两个边界之间的随机数列表.诀窍是数字需要为奇数.因此,我不能只使用 randbetween().我应该只使用 = if(a1%2 = 0)还是a1 = a1 + 1 .我不知道在Excel中的语法,但是我要知道的是如果数字是偶数(mod 2 = 0),然后加1.

I need to create a list of random numbers between two bounds in Excel. The trick is the numbers need to be odd. So I can't just use randbetween(). Should I just use something like =if(a1 % 2 =0) then a1=a1+1. I don't know the syntax for that in Excel but what I'm getting at is if the number is even (mod 2 =0) then add one.


使用一些技巧. CEILING Floor 具有第二个参数是您所需要的.

Use a little trick. CEILING and FLOOR have a second parameter which is what you need.



09-14 09:47