I have a folder in my computer and inside folder i have many txt files who created by another programm.
i want to make a textbox that capture the filename of the last txt file that create the programm.
i know that it is dificult for me to do that
var files = Directory.GetFiles("your_folder_here", "*.txt");
var selector = from i in files
orderby new FileInfo(i).CreationTime descending
select i;
var last = selector.FirstOrDefault();
TextBox.Text = last;
// assume a WinForm with FolderBrowserDialog added at design-time
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
private void SomeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FileInfo longestFile = null;
string filter = @"*.*"; // all directories, all files
SearchOption searchType = SearchOption.AllDirectories;
if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
longestFile = new DirectoryInfo(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)
.EnumerateFiles(filter, searchType)
.OrderByDescending(fil => fil.Length)
Console.WriteLine("Longest File: {0} Length: {1}", longestFile.FullName, longestFile.Length);
Note: the 'SearchOption.AllDirectories flag is what makes the search recursive. Do read the MSDN docs for the interesting aspects/behaviors of 'EnumerateFiles compared to using 'GetFiles: [^]: "Therefore, when you are working with many files and directories, EnumerateFiles can be more efficient."