在 Objective-C 中,我知道块被认为是对象,所以我想知道是否可以将它们存储在数组中.这就引出了一个问题,块是第一类对象还是只是为了在对象之间传递它们而将它们视为对象?如果它们是一流的对象,那么它们不应该存储在数组中吗?
In Objective-C, I know that blocks are considered objects, so I was wondering if it was possible to store them in an array. This begs the question, are blocks first class objects or are they just treated like objects for the sake of passing them between objects? If they are first class objects, then shouldn't they be storable in arrays?
I've left the original answer intact below, since it contains some interesting technical details.
块是 Objective-C 对象,其行为与所有其他 NSObject 非常相似,但有几个关键区别:
Blocks are Objective-C objects that very much behave like every other NSObject, with a couple of key differences:
Blocks are always generated by the compiler. They are effectively "alloc/init"ed at runtime as execution passes over the blocks declaration.
块最初是在堆栈上创建的.如果 Block_copy() 或 copy
方法 将 Block 移动到堆中,如果 Block 的生命周期超过当前范围(参见下面的 ARC 点).
Blocks are initially created on the stack. Block_copy() or the copy
method must be used to move the Block to the heap if the Block is to outlive the current scope (see ARC point below).
除了内存管理之外,块并没有真正的可调用 API.
Blocks don't really have a callable API beyond memory management.
要将块放入集合中,必须先复制它. (见评论.)如果你不这样做,有风险,栈分配的 Block 将被autoreleased
To put a Block into a Collection, it must first be copied. (See comments.) If you don't, there is risk that the stack allocated Block will be autoreleased
and your app will later crash.
Copying a stack based block will copy all of the captured state, too. If you are making multiple copies of a block, it is more efficient to copy it once, then copy the copy (because copying the copy just bumps the retain count since Blocks are immutable).
在 ARC 下,从一个方法或函数返回一个 Block 正常工作";它会被自动复制到堆中,并且返回的实际上是一个自动释放的块(在某些情况下编译器可能会优化掉自动释放).即使使用 ARC,您仍然需要先复制块,然后再将其粘贴到集合中.
Under ARC, returning a Block from a method or function "just works"; it'll be automatically copied to the heap and the return will effectively be an autoreleased Block (the compiler may optimize away the autorelease in certain circumstances). Even with ARC, you still need to copy the block before sticking it into a collection.
我写了几篇博文,都提供了块介绍 和一些提示和技巧.你可能会觉得它们很有趣.
I've written a couple of blog posts both providing an introduction to blocks and some tips and tricks. You might find them interesting.
And, yes, adding 'em to dictionaries is quite useful. I've written a couple of bits of code where I dropped blocks into dictionaries as command handlers where the key was the command name. Very handy.