


I've been trying to write a function for my bash profile for quite some time now.The problem I'm trying to overcome is I'm usually provided with file paths that include spaces and it's a pain having to go through and escape all the spaces before I try to open it up in terminal.

例如文件->/Volumes/Company/Illustrators/Website Front Page Design.ai

e.g.File -> /Volumes/Company/Illustrators/Website Front Page Design.ai

我最终想要从终端中打开'/Volumes/Company/Illustrators/Website \ Front \ Page \ Design.ai'.

What I'm trying to end up with is '/Volumes/Company/Illustrators/Website\ Front\ Page\ Design.ai' being opened from my terminal.


So far I've managed to escape the spaces out, but I then get the error "The file ..... does not exist."


My code so far is

function opn { open "${1// /\\ }";}




The important thing to understand is the difference between syntax and literal data.


When done correctly, escaping is syntax: It's read and discarded by the shell. That is, when you run

open "File With Spaces"

open File\ With\ Spaces


open File" "With\ Spaces


...the quoting and escaping is parsed and removed by the shell, and the actual operating system call that gets executed is this:

execv("/usr/bin/open", "open", "File With Spaces")


Note that there aren't any backslashes (or literal quotes) in that syscall's arguments! If you put literal backslashes in your data, then you cause this to be run:

/* this is C syntax, so "\\" is a single-character backslash literal */
execv("/usr/bin/open", "open", "File\\ With\\ Spaces")


...and unless there's a file with backslashes in its name, that just doesn't work, giving the "file does not exist" error you report.


So -- just call open with your name in quotes:

open "$1"

...不需要 opn 包装器.

...there's no need for an opn wrappper.


08-14 23:04