


I'm trying to debug keyboard height issues in the iOS simulator, I need several keyboards that are different heights. There are about 40 keyboards that are built-in and can be added via Settings.


Which of the built-in keyboards have different heights than the default English keyboard?


Note: I'm not looking for a 3rd party keyboard since I want to minimize the amount of variables I need to deal with. Also, I want to be able to do this kind of testing at anytime without the need to install another app.


iPhone 6(9.0)


  • 英语(禁用预测性文字):216
  • 英语(预测文本最少):225
  • 中文(简体)-手写:252
  • 表情符号:258
  • 英语(最大限度地增加了预测性文字):258
  • 中文(简体)-拼音-10键:283.5
  • iPhone 6 (9.0)


    • English (predictive text disabled): 216
    • English (predictive text minimized): 225
    • Chinese (Simplified) - Handwriting: 252
    • Emoji: 258
    • English (predictive text maximized): 258
    • Chinese (Simplified) - Pinyin - 10 Key: 283.5
      • 中文(简体)-拼音-10键:162
      • 英语(禁用预测性文字):162
      • 英语(预测文本最少):171
      • 表情符号:194
      • 英语(预测文本已最大化):194
      • 中文(简体)-手写:198
      • Chinese (Simplified) - Pinyin - 10 Key: 162
      • English (predictive text disabled): 162
      • English (predictive text minimized): 171
      • Emoji: 194
      • English (predictive text maximized): 194
      • Chinese (Simplified) - Handwriting: 198
      • 英语():55
      • 英语(无快捷栏):265
      • 表情符号:303
      • 英语(带有快捷栏):313
      • 中文(简体)-手写(无快捷键):406
      • 中文(简体)-手写(带有快捷栏):461
      • English (shortcut bar only): 55
      • English (without shortcut bar): 265
      • Emoji: 303
      • English (with shortcut bar): 313
      • Chinese (Simplified) - Handwriting (without shortcut bar): 406
      • Chinese (Simplified) - Handwriting (with shortcut bar): 461
      • 英语(无快捷栏):353
      • 表情符号:391
      • 英语(带有快捷栏):398
      • 中文(简体)-手写(无快捷键):406
      • 中文(简体)-手写(带有快捷栏):461
      • English (without shortcut bar): 353
      • Emoji: 391
      • English (with shortcut bar): 398
      • Chinese (Simplified) - Handwriting (without shortcut bar): 406
      • Chinese (Simplified) - Handwriting (with shortcut bar): 461


      Note: all values are ordered by size then name.

      注意:快捷栏是指iOS 9 快捷栏和/或iOS 8的 QuickType 栏已启用/通过选择 Predictive Shortcuts 选项禁用.

      Note: shortcut bar refers to the iOS 9 Shortcut Bar and/or iOS 8's QuickType bar which is enabled/disabled by choosing the Predictive and Shortcuts options.


08-23 13:35