

我正在使用viewBased应用程序做一本书。 mainView充当用于加载页面的backgroundView。每个页面都是不同的视图,并有自己的笔尖。当我在页面上滑动时(实际上在加载了当前视图/页面的mainView上),该页面将被删除,并且将添加下一页/上一页。

I am doing a book kinda application using a viewBased application. The mainView acts as the backgroundView for loading pages. Each page is a different view and have its own nib. When i swipe on a page(actually on the mainView which have loaded the current view/page), that page will be removed and the next/previous page will be added.

[currentPage.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.view insertSubview:nextPage.view atIndex:0];

我在这个mainView中添加了一个带按钮的popoverController。它初始化了一个名为popClass的tableviewController类。 。PopClass是另一个类的UITableViewController将作为父的popViewController

I have added a popoverController with a barbutton in this mainView. Its intialized with a tableviewController class named popClass. PopClass is another UITableViewController class which will act as the parent for the popViewController.

self.myPopController = [[PopController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStylePlain];
self.myPopOverController = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:myPopController];


When I select certain row in the popover, I want the backgroundview(mainView) to load the page corresponding to the number of the row.


For that I have written a function in bookView(mainView) Controller class. And is calling it from the popOver's parent class when i select certain row.

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
NSInteger toPageNumber = indexPath.row + 1;
[viewController changeToPage:toPageNumber];


Function and the lines of code are executing but nothing is happening. Even the log lines are printed but no action takes place. The code is the same for removing a page and adding another page which is working successfully when i swipe the view/page.


What is the problem? OR is there anyother way to make the view change in mainView by using the popover?



You need to have refernce of the background view controller in the popover controller.

PopController 控制器中,您应该有一个类似于:

In the PopController controller you should have a delagate like:

@interface PopController: UITablViewController{

  //// other varibales;
      id delegate;

@property (nonatomic, retain) id delgate;


Now from the class in which you are showing the popovercontroller


[myPopController setDelegate:self];


Then you can easily acces any method of the main view controller class. By using

[delegate callTheRequiredMethod];





09-11 00:05