


Attempting to authenticate via username and privatekey only using the current SSH.NET library. I cannot get the password from the user so this is out of the question.


here is what i am doing now.

Renci.SshNet.ConnectionInfo conn =
    new ConnectionInfo(hostName, port, username, new AuthenticationMethod[]
            new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(username, ""),
            new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod(username, new PrivateKeyFile[]
                   { new PrivateKeyFile(privateKeyLocation, "") }),

using (var sshClient = new SshClient(conn))

现在,如果我删除了 PasswordAuthenticationMethod AuthenticationMethod [] 数组中的c $ c>我得到了一个异常,因为找不到合适的身份验证方法。如果我尝试这样传递(主机名,端口,用户名,密钥文件2)

Now, if I remove the PasswordAuthenticationMethod from the AuthenticationMethod[] array I get an exception for for no suitable authentication method found. If i attempt to pass in the (hostname, port, username, keyfile2) as such

var keyFile = new PrivateKeyFile(privateKeyLocation);
var keyFile2 = new[] {keyFile};


似乎如上所述,必须使用 ConnectionInfo 对象,但似乎它会评估 PasswordAuthenticationMethod 并无法登录(因为我没有提供密码)并且从不评估 PrivateKeyAuthMethod ...是这种情况吗?

It seems I have to use the ConnectionInfo object as I outlined above, but it seems that it evaluates the PasswordAuthenticationMethod and cant log in (since i don't provide a password) and never evaluates the PrivateKeyAuthMethod... is this the case? Is there some other way to authenticate with only a username or hostname and private key using SSH.NET lib?



Your problem here is that you're still using a password, even though it is blank. Remove this line:

new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(username, ""),


var pk = new PrivateKeyFile(yourkey);
var keyFiles = new[] { pk };

var methods = new List<AuthenticationMethod>();
methods.Add(new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod(UserName, keyFiles));

var con = new ConnectionInfo(HostName, Port, UserName, methods.ToArray());


08-14 22:10