本文介绍了正则表达式来替换PHP中的html src属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我试图用正则表达式替换PHP中的源属性(可能是图像或任何标签) p>

  $ string2 =< html>< body>< img src ='images / test.jpg'/>< ; img src ='http://test.com/images/test3.jpg'/><video controls =controlssrc ='.. / videos / movie.ogg'>< / video><< ; /体>< / HTML>中; 


  $ string2 =< html>< body>< img src ='test.jpg'/>< img src ='test3.jpg'/> < video controls =controlssrc ='movie.ogg'>< / video>< / body>< / html>; 


<$ p $ convert_url('$ 1')p> $ string2 = preg_replace(/ src = [']([/])(。*)?['''/',''src ='。 '''',$ string2);
echo htmlentities($ string2);

基本上它没有改变任何东西,并给我一个关于未转义字符串的警告。 b
$ b

不是 $ 1 发送字符串的内容吗?这里有什么问题?


<$ p $如果(preg_match('#^ https?://#',$ url)){
$ url ='code',则函数convert_url($ url)
{ parse_url($ url,PHP_URL_PATH);
返回基本名称($ url);



您必须使用 e 修饰符。 b

  $ string =< html>< body>< img src ='images / test.jpg'/>< img src =' < / video>< /体>< / HTML>中; 

$ string2 = preg_replace(〜src = [']([^'] +)[']〜e,'src = \'。convert_url($ 1)。 \'',$ string);

请注意,使用 e 修饰符时,替换脚本片段必须是字符串,以防止在调用preg_replace之前解析它。

I'm trying to use regex to replace source attribute (could be image or any tag) in PHP.

I've a string like this:

$string2 = "<html><body><img src = 'images/test.jpg' /><img src = 'http://test.com/images/test3.jpg'/><video controls="controls" src='../videos/movie.ogg'></video></body></html>";

And I would like to turn it into:

$string2 = "<html><body><img src = 'test.jpg' /><img src = 'test3.jpg'/><video controls="controls" src='movie.ogg'></video></body></html>";

Heres what I tried :

$string2 = preg_replace("/src=["']([/])(.*)?["'] /", "'src=' . convert_url('$1') . ')'" , $string2);
echo htmlentities ($string2);

Basically it didn't change anything and gave me a warning about unescaped string.

Doesn't $1 send the content of the string ? What is wrong here ?

And the function of convert_url is from an example I posted here before :

function convert_url($url)
    if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $url)) {
        $url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    return basename($url);

It's supposed to strip out url paths and just return the filename.


You have to use the e modifier.

$string = "<html><body><img src='images/test.jpg' /><img src='http://test.com/images/test3.jpg'/><video controls=\"controls\" src='../videos/movie.ogg'></video></body></html>";

$string2 = preg_replace("~src=[']([^']+)[']~e", '"src=\'" . convert_url("$1") . "\'"', $string);

Note that when using the e modifier, the replacement script fragment needs to be a string to prevent it from being interpreted before the call to preg_replace.

这篇关于正则表达式来替换PHP中的html src属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 21:54