


The aim for me is to have a mobile website (for mobiles and tablets) and a responsive desktop website, built on Wordpress. I want the easiest way to implement fool proof device detection.


The mobile website is going to have a lot of features that are only really going to benefit touch devices and will be custom designed for mobiles and tablets. The desktop site will be completely different (with same pages but with additional content) and will be fully responsive just in case any devices slip through the detection.


I have this one liner that will detect touch devices and redirect to another page but it seems too simple to be a fool proof method of device detection. How fool proof is this? Will it work for Windows and Android devices as well as iOS?


This is my first time doing such a site and not sure how effective this is going to be:

<!-- Redirect to the mobile index page if we're on a touch device -->
<script>if( 'ontouchstart' in window ) window.location = 'mobile.html';</script>


对于PHP上的移动检测,我一直使用$ _SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']变量。
我使用下面的功能对谁提供了移动网站(我想支持的特定设备)进行了非常精细的控制。只需将用户代理添加到阵列(例如 Ipad)即可添加其他设备。

For Mobile Detection on PHP I have always used the $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] variable.I use the function below to have very granular control over who gets delivered the mobile site (specific devices I want to support). Simply add useragents to the array (such as 'Ipad') to add additional devices.

function detectmobile(){
    $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    $useragents = array (
        $result = false;
    foreach ( $useragents as $useragent ) {
    if (preg_match("/".$useragent."/i",$agent)){
            $result = true;
return $result;
if (detectmobile() == true) { wp_redirect('http://pageyouwwanttoredirectto'); }


Usage: you can the above code to your wordpress theme's functions.php file.


08-14 21:17