


**My Question **while chatting on Facebook , when u receive a message from someone, you get a notification showing number of new messages with red background.so my question is how we can do so that we recieve a notification when database is changed from another computer.I done it with the following codes and it work well but it seem harmful for processor as it run mysql query each second.

下面的jQuery code

the following jquery code

            function() {
                setInterval(function() {
                        url: 'incs/check_new_msg.php' ,
                        cache: false,
                        success: function(data)

                }, 1000);


in check__new_msg.php i use queryselect count(id) from inbox where status = '1'then i echo its result


您正在寻找的反向AJAX 的概念。

You are looking for concept of reverse ajax.


Here is one answer given to implement it: Reverse Ajax implementation using php


08-14 21:05