



  1. 哪些运行PHP的方法消耗较少的内存?

  2. 此外哪种方法消耗内存几乎不变。我看到有300MB和800MB,每隔几秒钟之间mod_php,并且我的服务器内存使用率波动。

  3. 但是FastCGI的,从服务器中第一个响应来自很晚。我FastCGI的看到有在每个网页请求的初始延迟。一旦从服务器首先响应到达,其他项目,如图像,CSS,JS负荷pretty更快。

  4. 是否确定同时运行的组合?我有专门的服务器上的5个站点。它是确定,如果我跑几个与mod_php,并且和FastCGI的?休息

  5. 我相信我的服务器宕机,因为不当mod_php,并且内存使用量的下降居多。我检查了所有的脚本。有没有什么办法让服务器确保内存消耗保持几乎不变的?

  6. 的.htaccess是否复杂影响内存使用情况显著?如果是的话,它可以是一个单一的理由让服务器运行内存不足?

  7. 是否阿帕奇MPM prefork /工人设置会影响内存消耗?难道他们影响mod_php,并且和FastCGI模式一样?

  8. 当我运行顶命​​令,我看到阿帕奇(httpd的)消耗40MB左右的内存。还有的httpd运行多个实例。此外,在除了FastCGI的叉类似规模的一些过程。什么是httpd进程普通内存的大小?

  9. 当我运行在所有我们网站的话语preSS,这将是在这方面好办法?

  10. 是否FastCGI的/的SuExec正常工作与APC?我是否需要重新配置APC与suEXEC的和FastCGI工作。





I assume that per PHP-processed request they are more or less the same. But if you have mod_php loaded into apache serving images too, then I assume your memory footprint will be higher due to serving static files.

You can make both pretty constant. If you carefully set MaxClients, MinSpareServers and MaxSpareServers, you pretty much can tell how many processes are running. If you also set memory_limit within your PHP config, you can calculate how much memory you need.You can do the same for fcgi too, since you can decide how many processes are running.

This doesn't make sense. I am not sure why it happens in your case.

I guess, but it will both be a nightmare to maintain and will probably be harder to configure for saving memory. Quite the contrary I believe.

Configure memory and processes as I outlined above, and keep monitoring.

I don't think so. per-directory .htaccess can slow things down, but unless there is some serious bug in Apache, it should not cause mass memory consumption.

It might, but I recommend to stay away from worker, as PHP is mostly not thread safe.

30MB is the min. The upper limit depends on your application (I have seen cases where it was ~1GB)

It is probably a matter of taste. I have recently moved away from apache towards nginx+fastcgi. it takes a bit of time to get used to, but it does work well. No problems whatsoever with wordpress (even not with supercache, which is rather involved in terms of web server).

I am not using suExec, but fastcgi works well with APC. No need to configure anything.


08-14 20:58