

本文介绍了浏览器关闭时跟踪用户的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 大家好, 当用户关闭浏览器窗口时,我有一个关于如何捕获事件的重要问题。 我是ASP程序员,我有一个带有用户表的MSSQL数据库,我可以跟踪用户是否登录。 然而这并不容易跟踪用户是否在不使用注销按钮的情况下关闭浏览器窗口。我曾尝试在Session_onend中输入代码,但如果浏览器关闭,它似乎无法运行。例如。在Session_OnStart和Session_OnEnd中跟踪应用程序变量中的访问者。 因此,如果在数据库中记录用户的安全方式有任何解决方案,请告诉我们! In非常感谢你! 亲切的问候, Jon Haakon - ------------------------------ Jon Haakon Ariansen 系统顾问Hi all,I have an important question to ask about how to trap events when the userclose the browser window.I''m a ASP programmer and I have s MSSQL database with a user table where I''m able to track if the user is logged in or not.However this is not easy to track if the user close the browserwindow without using the logout button. I have tried putting in code in Session_onend, but it doesn''t seem to run if the browser is closed. Eg. tracking visitors in a application variable in Session_OnStart and Session_OnEnd.So if there is any solutions on a safe way on logging users in a database, please let me know!In advance thank you very much!!Kind regards,Jon Haakon--------------------------------Jon Haakon AriansenSystem Consultant推荐答案 您不太可能获得有关客户端代码和事件的大量帮助 in一个asp组(asp是服务器端技术)。虽然这里的许多人都有关于客户端代码的知识,但他们不太可能在这里回答这些问题,因为他们希望来到这个小组来讨论asp。您将获得更好的成功,在其中一个dhtml或 脚本新闻组中获得有用的回复。 那就是说,关闭浏览器窗口不会引发任何可捕获的 事件。浏览器关闭时,window_onclose事件不会触发。 抱歉。 Aaron在他的网站上有一篇关于跟踪数据库使用情况的文章你可能会/> 有帮助: http://www.aspfaq .com / show.asp?id = 2491 Bob Barrows - Microsoft MVP - ASP / ASP.NET 请回复新闻组。这个电子邮件帐户是我的垃圾邮件陷阱所以我 不经常检查它。如果你必须离线回复,那么删除 没有垃圾邮件It is unlikely that you will get much help with client-side code and eventsin an asp group (asp is server-side technology). While many here do haveknowledge about client-side code, they are unlikely to answer such questionshere because their desire is to come to this group to discuss asp. You willhave better success getting a helpful response on one of the dhtml orscripting newsgroups.That said, the closing of the browser window does not raise any trappableevents. The window_onclose event does not fire when the browser is closed.Sorry.Aaron has an article on his site about tracking database use that you mayfind helpful: http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2491Bob Barrows--Microsoft MVP - ASP/ASP.NETPlease reply to the newsgroup. This email account is my spam trap so Idon''t check it very often. If you must reply off-line, then remove the"NO SPAM" 我能够跟踪用户是否登录。 I''m able to track if the user is logged in or not. 而不使用注销按钮,则很难跟踪。我已尝试在Session_onend中输入代码,但如果浏览器关闭,它似乎无法运行。例如,跟踪Session_OnStart和 Session_OnEnd中的应用程序变量中的访问者。 without using the logout button. I have tried putting in code in Session_onend, but it doesn''t seem to run if the browser is closed. Eg. tracking visitors in a application variable in Session_OnStart and Session_OnEnd. 请告诉我! please let me know! 这篇关于浏览器关闭时跟踪用户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-14 20:55