

与iTunesLink Maker类似()。通过网络浏览器,iTunes网页能够查明客户端工作站上是否已注册 itms:// ,从而显示正确的消息('在iTunes中查看'按钮或'下载iTunes的推广横幅。

Similar to iTunes' 'Link Maker' (http://www.apple.com/itunes/linkmaker/faq/). Through web browser, iTunes webpages is capable of finding out if itms:// has been registered on client workstation, hence displaying correct message ('View in iTunes' button or 'Download iTunes' promotion banner).



不幸的是,实际上没有简单的方法可以做到这一点。 iTunes实际上使用以下进行检测。从代码中可以看出,他们在每个Web浏览器中使用浏览器插件来完成此任务。

Unfortunately, there is really no easy way to do this. iTunes actually uses the following script to do the detection. From the code you can see they use a browser plug-in within each web browser to accomplish this.

在Internet Explorer中,通过属性,可以使用,但显然它是浏览器特定的。

In Internet Explorer, there is a feature via the protocolLong property, which can be used, but obviously it's browser specific.


There may be other hacks available, but I think some sort on browser plug-in would be the surest solution.


08-14 20:55