




Is it possible to detect a browser refresh by a user within a Django request?



By itself, I believe there would not be a way to know a page was refreshed just by looking at a request object. A client could easily have opened a second version of the page. You would also have to preserve some state data about all of the request in order to compare something like timestamps, but that would all just be assumptions about what really happened...

您可能可以做的是结合使用django检查请求和一些JavaScript魔术.这样做的原因是,客户端是唯一真正知道页面刷新是否正在发生并且必须记录此操作的某些状态的客户端.快速搜索在此处找到了这个小教程:检测页面刷新::在客户端使用JavaScript .它捕获页面卸载并设置cookie值,然后在下次重新加载时进行检查.您也许可以使用该方法的一部分来设置cookie,然后检查 request.cookies 在您的Django视图中,以查看该请求是否记录了页面重新加载事件.

What you can probably do is a combination of checking the request in django, and some javascript magic. The reason for this, is the client side is the only one that really knows if a page refresh is happening and must record some state for this action. A quick search turned up this little tutorial here: Detecting Page Refreshes :: Using JavaScript on Client-Side. It catches the page unload and sets cookie values, which is then checks on the next reload. You may be able to use part of that approach to set the cookie, and then check the request.cookies in your django view to see if that request recorded a page reload event.


*Note: That javascript page I linked is a bit old, but the information is still relevant. Here is a similar SO question


08-14 20:45