


I'm just fooling about and strangely found it a bit tricky to parse nested brackets in a simple recursive function.

例如,如果程序打算使用它来查找用户详细信息,则它可能从{{name surname} age}{Bob Builder age},然后到Bob Builder 20.

For example, if the program's purpose it to lookup user details, it may go from {{name surname} age} to {Bob Builder age} and then to Bob Builder 20.


Here is a mini-program for summing totals in curly brackets that demonstrates the concept.

  // Parses string recursively by eliminating brackets
  def parse(s: String): String = {
    if (!s.contains("{")) s
    else {

  // Sums one pair and returns the string, starting at deepest nested pair
  // e.g.
  // {2+10} lollies and {3+{4+5}} peanuts
  // should return:
  // {2+10} lollies and {3+9} peanuts
  def resolvePair(s: String): String = {
    ??? // Replace the deepest nested pair with it's sumString result

  // Sums values in a string, returning the result as a string
  // e.g. sumString("3+8") returns "11"
  def sumString(s: String): String = {
    val v = s.split("\\+")
    v.foldLeft(0)(_.toInt + _.toInt).toString

  // Should return "12 lollies and 12 peanuts"
  parse("{2+10} lollies and {3+{4+5}} peanuts")


Any ideas to a clean bit of code that could replace the ??? would be great. It's mostly out of curiosity that I'm searching for an elegant solution to this problem.



Parser combinators can handle this kind of situation:

import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
object BraceParser extends RegexParsers {
  override def skipWhitespace = false
  def number = """\d+""".r ^^ { _.toInt }
  def sum: Parser[Int] = "{" ~> (number | sum) ~ "+" ~ (number | sum) <~ "}" ^^ {
    case x ~ "+" ~ y => x + y
  def text = """[^{}]+""".r
  def chunk = sum ^^ {_.toString } | text
  def chunks = rep1(chunk) ^^ {_.mkString} | ""
  def apply(input: String): String = parseAll(chunks, input) match {
    case Success(result, _) => result
    case failure: NoSuccess => scala.sys.error(failure.msg)


BraceParser("{2+10} lollies and {3+{4+5}} peanuts")
//> res0: String = 12 lollies and 12 peanuts


There is some investment before getting comfortable with parser combinators but I think it is really worth it.


To help you decipher the syntax above:

  • 正则表达式和字符串具有隐式转换,以创建具有字符串结果的原始解析器,它们的类型为Parser[String].
  • ^^运算符允许将函数应用于已解析的元素
    • 它可以通过执行^^ {_.toInt}
    • Parser[String]转换为Parser[Int]
    • 解析器是monad,而Parser[T].^^(f)等同于Parser[T].map(f)
    • regular expression and strings have implicit conversions to create primitive parsers with strings results, they have type Parser[String].
    • the ^^ operator allows to apply a function to the parsed elements
      • it can convert a Parser[String] into a Parser[Int] by doing ^^ {_.toInt}
      • Parser is a monad and Parser[T].^^(f) is equivalent to Parser[T].map(f)
      • ~><~将输入的一侧从结果中删除
      • case a ~ b允许对结果进行模式匹配
      • 解析器是monad,而(p ~ q) ^^ { case a ~ b => f(a, b) }等同于for (a <- p; b <- q) yield (f(a, b))
      • (p <~ q) ^^ f等同于for (a <- p; _ <- q) yield f(a)
      • the ~> and <~ drop one side of the input out of the result
      • the case a ~ b allows to pattern match the results
      • Parser is a monad and (p ~ q) ^^ { case a ~ b => f(a, b) } is equivalent to for (a <- p; b <- q) yield (f(a, b))
      • (p <~ q) ^^ f is equivalent to for (a <- p; _ <- q) yield f(a)


08-14 20:20