




I am new to security rules. I have to write security rule to prevent a user to update a document except one field.


{ field1:一个, field2:两个, field3:三个, . . . 场数:n}

{ field1 : one, field2 : two, field3 : three, . . . fieldn : n}


the user logged in should be able to update only field2.using firestore security rules.


安全规则中没有明确的方法可以验证正在发生的更新.但是,您可以进行的操作是在写操作之前在 之后验证文档中的数据.通过比较这两个字段,并知道文档可以包含哪些字段,可以确保仅可以更新特定字段.

There is no explicit way in security rules to validate the update that is happening. But what you can do is validate the data in the document before and after the write operation. By comparing those two, and by knowing what fields the document can contain, you can ensure that only specific fields can be updated.


I often use this little helper function in my security rules:

function isUnmodified(key) {
  return request.resource.data[key] == resource.data[key]


As its name implies, it ensures that a certain key/field is not modified in this write request. For example, this rule then only allows a user to update their profile document, as long as they don't modify the name field (unless they're an admin):

allow update: if isAdmin(request) ||
  (request.auth.uid == uid && isUnmodified(request, resource, 'name'));


I also have this helper function, which checks whether a specific field exists:

function isNotExisting(key) {
  return !(key in request.resource.data) && (!exists(resource) || !(key in resource.data));


This is important, because sometimes you want to allow a field to be only written once, or only allow it to be updated if it already exists. Sometimes I use isNotExisting for that, but I find myself more these days using the more granular actions (create, update) over the aggregate write rule.


Finally, you can require certain fields, as in this creation rule:

  allow create: if request.auth.uid == uid &&
    request.resource.data.keys().hasOnly(['lastIndex', 'lastUpdated']) &&
    request.resource.data.keys().hasAll(['lastIndex', 'lastUpdated'])


So a user can only create a profile document if they specify lastIndex and lastUpdated fields. If they specify any additional fields, or specify fewer fields, the creation will be rejected.


Now with this knowledge, we can go back to your requirement, and see how to implement it. As said before, you will need to make a statement on each individual field, without having a wildcard in there. So if your document has three fields (field1, field2, and field3), which must all exist, and the user can only update field2, that'd be something like:

allow update: if request.resource.data.keys().hasAll(['field1', 'field2', 'field2']) &&
  isUnmodified('field1')) && isUnmodified('field3'));


08-14 19:59