我所有文件所在的目录是:'/ usr / home / jordan',我下面有很多文件(在目录本身,但是一个以.txt扩展名命名的文件。
The directory all my files are in is: '/usr/home/jordan' and I have many files under there (in the directory itself, but one file that is named with a .txt extension.
With nodejs and fs, I want to put that first file (or any file) with a txt extension into "mytxtfilepath". I only have a single .txt file in the whole directory (amongst many other files but with different extensions) The single .txt file could be named ANYTHING, I cannot guarantee what the name will be at any given time, only that it ends in .txt:
var homedir = "/usr/home/jordan";
var mytxtfilepath=homedir + "???????";
fs.readfile(mytxtfilepath, function(err,data) {
How do I put the correct path to my txt file without hardcoding the name of the txt file itself?
var files = fs.readdirSync(homedir);
var path = require('path');
for(var i in files) {
if(path.extname(files[i]) === ".txt") {
//do something