我需要从Cloud Storage加载一些图像文件.对于给定的文件夹,我需要检查其中有哪些图像(如果有的话).似乎Firebase客户端库( https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_storage )不会"没有做到这一点的简单方法.我确定ios/android客户端具有ref().list()
I need to load some image files from Cloud Storage. For a given folder I need to check what images (if at all) are available in it. It seems like the firebase client library (https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_storage) doesn't have a simple way of doing that. I am sure ios/android clients have ref().list()
command. Is there any way to do that easily in Flutter or I have to write a bridge to native methods?
在Cloud Storage中列出文件的方法是最近才添加到Firebase SDK的,因此似乎它们尚未移植到FlutterFire库中.
The methods to list files in Cloud Storage were only recently added to the Firebase SDKs, so it seems likely that they haven't been ported to the FlutterFire library yet.
You'll indeed either have to implement the interop yourself (in which case a PR back to the repo is highly appreciated), or wait for someone else to implement this feature request.
最后的选择是不依赖于此(相对较新的)API,而是将文件路径/下载URL列表存储在另一个数据存储中,例如Firebase Realtime Database或Cloud Firestore.
A final alternative is to not depend on this (relatively new) API, and store the list of file paths/download URLs in another data store, such as the Firebase Realtime Database, or Cloud Firestore.
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