

我有一个Java项目,当对它执行mvn install时,会生成一个JAR文件.到目前为止一切顺利.

I have a Java project that, when mvn install is executed on it, generates a JAR file. So far so good.


After that generation, I'd like to rename the resultant JAR file to something with an arbitrary extension. For example, say the resultant JAR that is generated is called "Foo.jar", I'd like to rename it to "Foo.baz"

我正在尝试确定使我能够执行此操作的神奇插件组合.到目前为止,我已经根据 SO答案尝试了以下操作:

I'm trying to ascertain the magical plugin combo that will allow me to do this. So far, I've tried the following, based on this SO answer:

                            <copy file="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.jar"
                                  tofile="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.baz" />



So, two things. First off, the above plugins don't seem to actually do anything. Also, I'm not clear on what the second plugin is trying to accomplish.


I've also attempted to do this in assembly separately from the above plugins, which didn't go so well. My assembly file (Note that I didn't include the plugin, because it's completely boilerplate):

<assembly xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/xsd/assembly"



Attempting to run this assembly, however, resulted in: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive dist: A zip file cannot include itself


So, at this point, I'm at a loss. After about an hour of Googling, I'm under the impression that the ant script is the way to go for this, but I couldn't begin to tell you why it isn't working.



Heri技巧介绍了copy-maven-plugin技巧,但是,由于尚不十分清楚如何进行设置(即使在阅读了文档之后),该技巧也不是很明显. ),我将在此处发布实际答案.

Hat tip to Heri for the copy-maven-plugin tip, but, since it isn't immediately obvious how to set this up (even after reading the documentation), I'll post the actual answer here.


I found this example by digging through the GitHub issue tracker, and generally fighting with it.

请注意,由于一些SO问题中记录了Sonatype以太更改,因此该代码在Maven 3.1.0上不起作用.该插件的作者声称(截至13年8月),下一版本(显然是3.0版)将支持Maven 3.1.0

Note that this code doesn't work on Maven 3.1.0 because of the Sonatype aether change that is documented in several SO questions. The author of this plugin claims (as of August '13) that the next release (version 3.0 apparently) will support Maven 3.1.0


Anyway, the plugin should be configured as follows:



The beautiful simplicity of the above code is that, as long as you specify a finalName (or even if you don't? I haven't tested that), this should work generically for any project.



08-14 19:14