I have a .txt document with over 32,000 lines of commented machine code. It looks like this:
Display menu window
C0/000E: E220 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit accumulator)
C0/0010: C210 REP #$10 (Set 16-bit X and Y)
I have a script that converts it as follows for compiling purposes:
; Display menu window
SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit accumulator)
REP #$10 (Set 16-bit X and Y)
The problem is, I'd like to keep the first address of every function as a label. So it should instead look like this:
; Display menu window
C0000E: SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit accumulator)
REP #$10 (Set 16-bit X and Y)
Specifically, that means I need a script that will:
- 只要一行的前3个字符不是C0/ ,就停止
- 看下一行;如果以C0/开头,请继续,否则返回步骤1.然后跳过这一行.
- 在行的开头打印分号.有关此的更多信息.
- 将其设置为C0/XXXX:变为C0XXXX:
- 删除接下来的9个字符.
- 打印两个空格.
- Stop whenever the first 3 characters on a line are not C0/
- Look at the next line; if it starts with C0/, continue, otherwise return to step 1. and skip the line.
- Print a semi-colon at the start of the line. More info on this below.
- Make it so C0/XXXX: becomes C0XXXX:
- Delete the next 9 characters.
- Print two spaces.
My other script will take care of the rest. I need the script to add a semi-colon because my actual script will add another semi-colon in front, so I'll be able to use find-and-replace to safely remove them both everywhere.
Note that this board automatically converts tabs into a number of spaces, so each line from the code I provided is not of the same length as that in my local file.
Not sure why you use batch files for text processing but here's a script that converts the first text block in your question into the third:
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
>output.txt (for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%a in ('find /n /v "" input.txt') do (
for /f "delims=] tokens=1*" %%b in ("%%a") do (
set line=%%c
if "!line!"=="" (
) else if not "!line:~0,3!"=="C0/" (
echo ; !line!
set inblock=
) else (
for /f "tokens=1,2*" %%b in ("!line!") do (
if "!inblock!"=="" (
set inblock=1
set label=%%b&set label=!label:/=!
) else (
set label=
echo !label! %%d
NB.用!label!之间的文字制表符替换空格.和echo !label! %%d
中的%% d.
NB. Replace space(s) with a literal tab character between !label! and %%d in echo !label! %%d