

本文介绍了使用GPS和Web更新在Windows Mobile上延长电池寿命的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个应用程序可以在Windows Mobile上运行,并使用GPS以不同的时间间隔更新其位置。正如所料,启用GPS芯片会使用更多的电池电量。 (没有......)


在我一岁的HTC Touch Diamond手机上,充满了新鲜的电量,屏幕亮起(但变暗),+ WiFi ,并且什么都不做,只是让它坐在那里,我最多可以从它里面获得6个小时。


另一种选择是我只是在考虑 关键是让Web服务器发信号让手机在需要时更新其位置,而不是盲目地做手机。








I have an app that runs on Windows Mobile and uses the GPS to update its location at various intervals. As expected, enabling the GPS chip uses more battery power. (no duh..)

So currently my technique has been to cycle the the GPS on/off at approx. every 4 minutes to acquire the location, do something if things changed, and update its location to the web only if necessary. Otherwise, shut it off again and wait.

On my one year old HTC Touch Diamond phone, with a fresh charge, leaving the screen ON (but dimmed), + WiFi, and doing nothing else but letting it sit there, I got a maximum of 6 hours from it.

This is "ok", but the usage of the GPS easily cuts an estimate of 2-4 hours of regular 'real-world' usage (YMMV).

The other option I've simply been thinking about is to have the web server instead signal the phone to update its location when needed, instead of the phone just doing it blindly.

That way, the phone only uses power to get a data connection and check the server. If the server tells it to update, only then does it turn on the GPS.

Except that the response time of that is much slower (I'm guesstimating), and if the phone is somewhere it can't readily get a stable update, then you won't even know its last location. At which point, you're stuck waiting.

I was hoping the phone could be more autonomous.

Is there possibly yet a better algorithm I could use to improve this setup?



Does the GPS engine that you are using have any accessible built-in low power operating modes. I have embedded a couple of different GPS chipsets from SiRF and u-blox into products and found that it was cheaper in battery power terms to leave the GPS switched on in its low power mode than to turn it off and then let it re-acquire. In my case it used less energy in a low power mode for all switch off times less than about 15 minutes.

SiRF (SiRFStar-2 and SiRFStar-3) based GPS engines have a "tricklepower" mode where the GPS is only switched on for a couple of hundred milliseconds on each wakeup. The wakeup interval can be set to maybe 5 seconds, meaning that the power consumed is 5-10% of the continuously on state. There is some small tradeoff in accuracy, but the chipset will return to continuously powered mode if the quality of the fix is degraded.

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08-14 19:05