



如果我用%1获取参数,并且它是服务器",如何在每个字母后添加一个+号?所以我的结果将是"S + e + r + v + e + r"?

If I get my parameter with %1 and it is "Server" how can I add a + sign after every letter?So my result would be "S+e+r+v+e+r"?


I think Batch file to add characters to beginning and end of each line in txt file this is a similar question but I don't know how to change the code for this purpose.




I'm pretty sure this has been asked and answered before, but I couldn't find it.


There is a really cool (and fast) solution that I saw posted somewhere. It uses a new cmd.exe process with the /U option so output is in unicode. The interesting thing about the unicode is that each ASCII character is represented as itself followed by a nul byte (0x00). When this is piped to MORE, it converts the nul bytes into newlines!. Then a FOR /F is used to iterate each of the characters and build the desired string. A final substring operation is used to remove the extra + from the front.


I tweaked my memory of the code a bit, playing games with escape sequences in order to get the delayed expansion to occur at the correct time, and to protect the character when it is appended - all to get the technique to preserve ^ and ! characters. This may be a new twist to existing posted codes using this general technique.

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=Server bang^! caret^^"
set "out="
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%A in ('cmd /u /v:on /c echo(^^!str^^!^|more') do set "out=!out!+^%%A"
set "out=!out:~1!"
echo Before: !str!
echo  After: !out!


Before: Server bang! caret^
 After: S+e+r+v+e+r+ +b+a+n+g+!+ +c+a+r+e+t+^


08-14 18:47