

本文介绍了Laravel POST表单上的MethodNotAllowedHttpException的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm having an odd issue with a POST form in Laravel.


When sending a post request, my Laravel throws an MethodNotAllowedHttpException. Upon looking into the errormessage, I can see that Laravel thinks that my request is a GET request, which it is not.


When looking at both POST data and GET data of the errorpage, Laravel seems to think that they are both empty.This leaves me a bit confused, since it seems that some kind of redirect is going on, the HTTP_REFERER on the error is the page I'm posting from.


I've had this issue before, where making a named route solved my problem, but I'm making a simple CMS, so templates for a form is used, and it's not possible for me to use named routes, without allowing the user to use Blade syntax which is a bad idea.

我的路线如下(简化为"Hello world"):

My route is as follows (Simplified to a "Hello world"):

Route::post('/signup/add', function(){
    echo "Hello world";

http://pastebin.com/EsAeyHFx <-完整路由.php

http://pastebin.com/EsAeyHFx <- Full routes.php

http://pastebin.com/ByHdUFcK <-我的表格.没什么,只输入纯文本/单选按钮.没有html或其他任何特殊内容.

http://pastebin.com/ByHdUFcK <- My form. Nothing fancy, only plain text/radiobuttons input. No html or anything special.


The even more strange part on this, is that I have another form (login form) that does not result in this behavior.


I have been looking at several other questions on StackOverflow, but they all seem to end up being a mistake of sending POST data to a GET route. This is not my case.


If I change the route from POST to GET, it works fine.


I've also tried to change the action of the form to GET and use the hidden field _method and set it post - No success.


Can someone tell me what is going on with this Exception and how to fix it?


ADDED:After some experimenting, I found out that when using 3rd party software (Like chrome extension Postman) and sending a POST request to the page, it works as inteded.



Ok, after some digging around, making forms in jsfiddle, using jQuery and so on, I found the problem!


My form has a trailing slash in the action attribute, which it supposedly is not allowed to.


The solutions was simply to change my code to action="/signup/add" instead of action="/signup/add/


Man, I feel stupid...

这篇关于Laravel POST表单上的MethodNotAllowedHttpException的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 18:30