

本文介绍了Flask URL路由:url_for仅传递第一个参数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have jQuery tabbed panel that loads pages within the tab on click. This works fine. What I want now is to pass additional arguments to the url such as the title of the tab being clicked.The script to load is the following:

$( "#content" ).load( "{{url_for(xyz, query=query)}}" );
var tabs = $('.tabs > li');
tabs.on("click", function(){
  $( "#content" ).load( "{{url_for(xyz, query=query)}}" );


<ul class="tabs clearfix" >
  <a href=# >All</a>
<li class=active >
  <a href=# >You</a>
  <a href=# >Me</a>


I would like to pass the tab title as another parameter to my flask url_for. Also, What is the best way to inspect the properties of objects. I mean, in python I can use dir(object) to list everything about that object. Is there a simple way of showing the attributes of a clicked tab object somewhere in the browser. Thanks


var index = $(this).children('a')[0].title;


If you want the title of the a tag Or

var index = $(this).children('a')[0].innerHTML;


Now the problem is that I am unable to pass this js variable to the url_for function. Or rather it shows up as None inside the function in my view


UPDATE TWOI now have a conditional since as per my understanding I cannot pass js variable to jinja.

  $( "#content" ).load( "{{url_for('xyz', index='a', query=query)}}" );
  else if(index=='b'){
  $( "#content" ).load( "{{url_for('xyz', index='b', query=query)}}" );
  $( "#content" ).load( "{{url_for('xyz', query=query)}}" );


The problem now is that flask only passes the first argument while the second is None. So in the if blocks the values of index goes through while the query is None while in the else block the query has a value. The function inside view is

def xyz():
    query = request.args.get("query")
    index = request.args.get('index')

更新3 我已经弄清楚了问题所在.我正在使用jQuery load函数中的字符串来加载页面中的内容. url_for创建以下形式的网址

UPDATE 3I have figured out what the problem is. I am using the string inside jQuery load function to load up the content from the page. url_for creates a url of the form



which is what I need but then when its enclosed in the quotation marks the ampersand is converted into &amp; which the browser does not read properly



So now I need to just be able to escape it properly. I tried to wrap the string in encodeURI but that didnt help.


So I finally had to use replace to exactly have the string as I want it.

 $( "#content" ).load('{{url_for('.xyz, index=a, query=query)}}'.replace('&amp;','&'));


Hopefully someone can come up with a better way of doing this. All I wanted was to have tabbed panel that will load a page in it through ajax. i am not sure going through all this hoopla is what's required but hopefully some noob like me can glean from my struggles :)


我参加聚会有点晚了,但是我遇到了同样的问题.正确的解决方案非常简单:使用Jinja2 safe过滤器强制其输出原始字符串,而不是使用网络安全实体对其进行格式化.

I'm a little late to the party, but I encountered this same problem. The proper solution is pretty straightforward: use the Jinja2 safe filter to force it output the raw string instead of formatting it with web-safe entities.

{{url_for('x.y', index=a, query=query) | safe}}

有关过滤器的更多信息,请参见: http://jinja.pocoo. org/docs/dev/templates/#safe

More information on the filter is available here:

这篇关于Flask URL路由:url_for仅传递第一个参数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 18:28