本文介绍了Flask url_for如何工作?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


flask.url_for(endpoint, **values)


The endpoint thing seems like magic to me. It behaves these ways:

  1. 在单个文件中,url_for('dothat')可以获取修饰的方法dothat
  2. 使用包装views.dothat可以通过url_for('dothat')获取,当我期望我必须提供完全合格方法名称,如url_for('myapp.views.dothat')
  1. in a single file, a decorated method dothat can be acquired by url_for('dothat')
  2. with packaging, views.dothat can be acquired by url_for('dothat'), when I was expecting that I must provide the fully qualified method name, as in url_for('myapp.views.dothat')


So if it's not the fully qualified method name, what does Flask take in as endpoint?



Flask does not use the module name for the endpoint. It simply defaults to the function name.


If you register two different functions with the same name (say, in two different modules), an AssertionError exception is raised:

raise AssertionError('View function mapping is overwriting an '
                     'existing endpoint function: %s' % endpoint)


You can specify an explicit endpoint name in such cases:

@app.route('/', endpoint='alt_homepage')
def homepage():

请参见 @Flask.route()文档:

注册视图(使用@app.route()装饰器)时,将确定端点名称(除非明确设置了端点名称),并将其与路由注册一起存储. url_for()使用路由注册来查找针对该名称注册的所有路由,并找到最适合您还传递给url_for()的参数的路由.

When you register a view (with the @app.route() decorator), the endpoint name is determined (unless you set one explicitly) and stored with the route registration. url_for() uses the route registration to find all routes registered against that name and finds the one best fitting the parameters you also passed to url_for().

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08-14 18:28