Could someone help me how to connect to Github & how to upload a document using Java program ?
I want to connect to Github and once its connected I want to upload a document to github using Java program.
最简单的解决方案是使用 Github 库之一.如果您对Java感兴趣,则需要使用这个.
The simplest solution is to use one of the Github libraries. If you are interested in Java then you need to use this one.
首先,您需要使用您的 Github 帐户进行身份验证.这是自述文件中的示例:
First you need to authenticate using your Github account. Here is the sample from readme:
//Basic authentication
GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient();
client.setCredentials("user", "passw0rd");
//OAuth2 token authentication
GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient();
然后,这取决于您要如何将文档上传到 Github .最简单的方法是创建要点.为此,请使用以下代码:
Then it depends on how you want to upload a document to Github. The simplest is to create a Gist. To do it use the following code:
GistFile file = new GistFile();
file.setContent("System.out.println(\"Hello World\");");
Gist gist = new Gist();
gist.setDescription("Prints a string to standard out");
gist.setFiles(Collections.singletonMap("Hello.java", file));
GistService service = new GistService();
service.getClient().setCredentials("user", "passw0rd");
gist = service.createGist(gist); //returns the created gist
Note Gists are publicly available so if you want to make it private you need to do it explicitly