


Many examples show the following way of calculating a font's logical size from its point size, which is also how my code has been doing it for years:

SizeLogical = -MulDiv(SizePt, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72);

但是我最近注意到诸如使用的是96而不是72的系数.这是因为监视器的物理分辨率多年来已经提高,所以它们每英寸显示96像素,而不是印刷的经典每英寸72点?如果是这样,正确的解决方案将是动态确定因素,但是调用哪个Windows API来做到这一点?还是我还是误会了?

But I recently noticed that examples like this one use a factor of 96 instead of 72. Is this because the monitors' physical resolution has increased over the years, so they display 96 pixels per inch as opposed to typography's classic 72 points per inch? If so, the correct solution would be to determine the factor dynamically, but which Windows API does one call to do that? Or am I misunderstanding it all anyway?


72是每英寸的点数,它永远不会改变. 96是每英寸的像素数,它可以在系统之间变化.

72 is the number of points per inch, this never changes. 96 is the number of pixels per inch, and it can change from system to system.

我相信您使用的公式直接来自Microsoft文档.编辑-这是: http://msdn .microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd183499%28v = vs.85%29.aspx

I believe the formula you're using is straight from the Microsoft documentation. Edit - Here it is: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd183499%28v=vs.85%29.aspx


You don't have to worry about the 96 because that's what is being returned by GetDeviceCaps.


08-14 17:59