is there any possibility to change an image's resolution on clientside (using CSS, Javascript, whatever) but keep it's size on the screen?
Example: I want to dispaly a 1920x1080 image with a resolution of 20x10 at a size of 200x100. Just using a img element, set it's source and width/height to 20x10 surely works, but now I'd like to display the scaled image at a size of 200x100.
你可以使用HTML5 canvas来做到这一点:
You can do this using HTML5 canvas:
给定任何尺寸的原始图像,您要给予 200的大小 x 200 以及 50 x 50 的解决方案:
Given an original image of any size that you want to give a size of 200 x 200 and a resolution of 50 x 50:
- 画出 50 x 50
- 使用定义 50的宽度和高度的参数绘制图片
- 通过CSS放大画布 将其延伸到 200 x 200 。
- Make a canvas of 50 x 50
- Draw the image with arguments defining a width and height of 50
- Enlarge the canvas through CSS to stretch it to 200 x 200.
另一方面,HTML5 canvas在我所有的浏览器中使用消除锯齿,没有能力关闭它。
As a side note, HTML5 canvas uses anti-aliasing in all browsers as far as I'm concerned, with no ability to turn that off. So instead of pixelated results you'll have blurry results.
// paint 200x200 image with resolution 50x50 var w = 200, h = 200, p = 50, q = 50; var img = $("img").get(0); img.onload = function() { cv.width = p; // set canvas resolution cv.height = q; ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, p, q); // draw image with given resolution cv.style.width = w + "px"; // enlarge canvas by stretching cv.style.height = h + "px"; }; img.src = "http://www.lorempixum.com/300/300/";