



既然Core Foundation中没有NSValue的对应物,我们应该如何将C结构存储在CFMutableDictionary中?

Since there is no counterpart to NSValue in Core Foundation, how are we supposed to store C structs in a CFMutableDictionary?


首先,您可以按原样将NSvalue放入CFMutableDictionary中,因此答案是使用NSValue".但是我认为您剩下的问题是不使用任何可可对象".在这种情况下,只需创建一个非保留的CFMutableDictionary,然后就可以将任何指针放进去.请参阅定义自定义集合回调" ,以获取一些示例代码.我经常使用这些.

First, you can put an NSvalue in a CFMutableDictionary as-is, so the answer is "use NSValue." But I assume the rest of your question is "without using any Cocoa objects." In that case, just create a non-retaining CFMutableDictionary, and you can put any pointer you want into it. See "Defining Custom Collection Callbacks" for some example code. I use these a lot.


Remember that these still have to be pointers, so you're going to have to allocate your structs on the heap, not the stack. And that means that memory management is now your problem. Of course you could create a custom set of callbacks that do whatever you want, so if you're using boost or something else with its own ref-counting system, you can still implement that with CFMutableDictionary.


And of course you can replace the struct with a small data object. That's usually a lot easier. But different problems need different solutions.


08-14 17:50