



I was looking at one of my buddy's molecular dynamics code bases the other day and he had represented some 2D data as a 1D array. So rather than having to use two indexes he only has to keep track of one but a little math is done to figure out what position it would be in if it were 2D. So in the case of this 2D array:

two_D = [[0, 1, 2],
         [3, 4, 5]]

It would be represented as:

one_D = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

If he needed to know what was in position (1,1) of the 2D array he would do some simple algebra and get 4.

Is there any performance boost gained by using a 1D array rather than a 2D array. The data in the arrays can be called millions of times during the computation.

I hope the explanation of the data structure is clear...if not let me know and I'll try to explain it better.

Thank you :)

EDITThe language is C


Take a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1242705/performance-of-2-dimensional-array-vs-1-dimensional-array


08-14 17:36