本文介绍了jquery ajax填充html表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



 < table> 
< thead>
< tr> Col1< / tr>
< tr> Col2< / tr>
< tr> Col3< / tr>
< / thead>
< tbody>
< / tbody>
< / table>

什么是用包含我的数据库数据的tr元素填充tbody最快,最有效的方法使用Jquery Ajax。 (除非你有更好的方法)






listName: Projects List,
var list = {};
// code here在绑定
list.items = data;
var templateHtml = $('。ptMyProjects')。html()
.replace(<! - , ).replace( - >,);
var html = $ .tmpl(templateHtml,list);
$ make sortable table
$('。ptMyProjects .tablesorter')。tablesorter({
headers:{3:{sorter: false}},
// class last row
$('。ptMyProjects .tablesorter t head')。last()。addClass('last');
// add hover effect
$('。ptMyProjects .tablesorter tbody tr,.tablesorter thead .header')。hover(function(){
$(this).addClass('hover ');
$('。ptMyProjects .vg_icon')。tipsy({gravity:'s'});


 < div class =ptMyProjects ptTemplate> 
<! -
< table class =tablesorterborder =0cellpadding =0cellspacing =0>
< thead>
< tr class =gradient_gray>
< th>标题< / th>
< th>状态< / th>
< th style =border-right:none;>进度< / th>
< th>操作< / th>
< / tr>
< / thead>
< tbody>
{{if items.length> 0}}
{{each items}}
< tr class ='item'recordid =$ {ows_ID}>
< td>< a class ='{{if ows_Critical_x0020_Project ==1}} critical {{if}}'href =$ {DisplayURL}> $ {ows_Title}< / A> < / TD>
< td class =status>
< a href =#class =pstatus> $ {ows_ProjStatus}< / a>
< div style ='display:none;'>
{{if ows_ProjComments}}
< div style =padding-bottom:10px;> $ {ows_ProjComments}< / div>
{{/ if}}
< div style =font-weight:bold;>已编辑的版本$ {Editor}< / div>
< div style =font-style:italic;> $ {when}< / div>
< / div>
< / td>
< td>
< div class =ui-widget-default>
< div class =progressbarvalue =$ {ows_PercentComplete}style =height:100%;>< / div>
< / div>
< / td>
< td class =actions>
{{if ows_ProjStatus!=Completed}}< a href =#class =vg_icon ticktitle =标记已完成>< / a> {{/ if}}
< a href =$ {EditURL}class =vg_icon penciltitle =Edit>< / a>
< a href =#class =vg_icon commenttitle =评论>< / a>
< / td>
< / tr>
{{/ each}}
< tr>< td colspan =4>您没有任何项目< / td>< TR>
{{/ if}}
< / tbody>
< / table>
- >
< / div>

If I have a table


What is the fastest, most efficient way to fill the tbody with tr elements containing my data from a database using a Jquery Ajax. (unless you have a better way)

Return html code from the webservice OR dynamically create the html code in javascript?

Also I have to support the user "drilling down; ie. either clicking a > or double clicking the row to open a pane to show some more information. (including another table and some detail information returned by a separate webservice)

Thanks, all ideas welcome!


I work on a large-scale enterprise portal that uses jQuery and AJAX. I've implemented jQuery Templates and the jQuery TableSorter plug-in to facilitate this. Here's some example code:

Javascript (Data Provider): Data.Lists.js

myorg.data.list.GetListItems ({
    webURL: "http://our.awesome.portal.com/Lists",
    listName: "Projects List",
    caml: caml,
    CAMLRowLimit: 6,
    callback: function(data) {
        var list = {};
        //code here that formats some data before binding
        list.items = data;
        var templateHtml = $('.ptMyProjects').html()
        .replace("<!--", "").replace("-->","");
        var html = $.tmpl(templateHtml, list);
        //make sortable table
        $('.ptMyProjects .tablesorter').tablesorter({
            sortList: [[0,0]],
            headers: {3: {sorter: false}},
            widgets: ['zebra']
        //class last row
        $('.ptMyProjects .tablesorter thead th').last().addClass('last');
        //add hover effect
        $('.ptMyProjects .tablesorter tbody tr, .tablesorter thead .header').hover(function(){
        }, function(){
        //add tooltips
        $('.ptMyProjects .vg_icon').tipsy({gravity: 's'});

HTML (the template)

<div class="ptMyProjects ptTemplate">
    <table class="tablesorter" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <tr class="gradient_gray">
                <th style="border-right: none;">Progress</th>
        {{if items.length > 0}}
            {{each items}}
                <tr class='item' recordid="${ows_ID}">
                    <td ><a class='{{if ows_Critical_x0020_Project == "1"}}critical{{/if}}' href="${DisplayURL}">${ows_Title}</a> </td>
                    <td class="status">
                        <a href="#" class="pstatus">${ows_ProjStatus}</a>
                        <div style='display: none;'>
                            {{if ows_ProjComments}}
                                <div style="padding-bottom: 10px;">${ows_ProjComments}</div>
                            <div style="font-weight: bold;">Lasted Edited By ${Editor}</div>
                            <div style="font-style: italic;">${when}</div>
                    <div class="ui-widget-default">
                        <div class="progressbar" value="${ows_PercentComplete}" style="height:100%;"></div>
                    <td class="actions">
                        {{if ows_ProjStatus != "Completed"}}<a href="#" class="vg_icon tick" title="Mark Completed"></a>{{/if}}
                        <a href="${EditURL}" class="vg_icon pencil" title="Edit"></a>
                        <a href="#" class="vg_icon comment" title="Comments"></a>
            <tr><td colspan="4">You have no projects.</td></tr>

这篇关于jquery ajax填充html表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 16:59