本文介绍了升压短耳 - 留言内容发送错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am building a client server communication. The server sends Header+Data (using async_write and a seperate IO Thread), Client receives Header of fixed size and knows how much data it has to read.


The Problem: Sometimes the client receives wrong data. It seems like the server sends the wrong data.

void Session::do_write(std::shared_ptr<DataItem> data)
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(doWrite_mutex);

    std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> buffers;
    buffers.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(&data->length, sizeof(uint32_t)));
    buffers.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(&data->callbackID, sizeof(uint8_t)));
    buffers.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(&data->isString, sizeof(bool)));
    //Get the data to send into the buffer and make sure the given shared ptr to the data item keeps living until this function is finished.
    buffers.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(data->getData(), data->length));

    boost::asio::async_write(*socket_, buffers, boost::bind(&Session::onSend, this, data, _1,_2));

    void Session::onSend(std::shared_ptr<DataItem> data,const boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length)
{ //Some logging, nothing special here

该数据项是一个多态类来处理不同类型的数据(向量,字符串,...)的。在的getData()方法返回一个常量无效* 来的实际数据(例如: myData- &GT;数据()在向量的情况下)。数据存储为的shared_ptr 的DataItem的(以防止它被销毁)。在

The data item is a polymorphic class to handle different kinds of data (vectors, strings,...). The getData() method returns a const void* to the actual data (e.g. myData->data() in case of vector). The data is stored as a shared_ptr inside the DataItem (to keep it from being destroyed).


In most cases the data is transmitted correctly.


I don't know where to debug or what I am doing wrong.


这是一个具有优秀的 async_write()操作流调用的写操作不符合要求的 async_write(),这可能会导致数据的交织。此外,如果将多个线程维修 io_service对象事件循环或会话:: do_write()是从一个线程调用的不处理事件循环,则使用一个互斥的将不符合流的线程安全要求。这演示使用队列序列化多个 async_write()操作和处理队列中一个的,履行 async_write双方的要求()和流的线程安全。

Invoking a write operation on a stream that has an outstanding async_write() operation fails to meet a requirement of async_write(), which can result in interwoven data. Additionally, if multiple threads are servicing the io_service event loop or Session::do_write() is invoked from a thread that is not processing the event loop, then the use of a mutex will fail to meet the thread safety requirement of the stream. This answer demonstrates using a queue to serialize multiple async_write() operations, and processing the queue with an asynchronous call chain within a strand, fulfilling both the requirements of async_write() and the stream's thread safety.

有关进一步的细节,函数是一个沉稳的操作,造成零或多次调用流的 async_write_some() 功能。因此,如果程序不确保流直到优秀操作完成不执行任何其它的写入操作中,中间的写操作可以被其它的写入操作之间混合,产生交织数据。此外,这些中间业务调用 async_write_some()流上,而不必获得 doWrite_mutex ,可能违反线程安全要求的流。有关由运营和使用的更多信息,可以考虑阅读这篇回答

For further details, the async_write() function is a composed operations, resulting in zero or more calls to the stream's async_write_some() function. Therefore, if the program does not ensure that the stream performs no other write operations until the outstanding operation completes, the intermediate write operations can be mixed between other write operations, resulting in interwoven data. Furthermore, these intermediate operations invoke async_write_some() on the stream without having acquired doWrite_mutex, potentially violating the thread safety requirement for the stream. For more information about composed operations and strand usage, consider reading this answer.

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08-14 16:39