本文介绍了VB.Net 隐藏标签页的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在这里看到了一些关于如何在选项卡控件中隐藏选项卡的讨论,但它们似乎都在 C 或某些变体中.我还没有见过 vb.net 的(我不会做 C)

Ive seen some discussion on here about how to hide tabs in a tabcontrol but they all seem to be in C or some variant. I havent seen one for vb.net (i cant do C)


What i want to do is hide or disable all some of the tabs till the user has logged in.Ive sorted out the login and logout. All i need to do is add the code to enable/disable some tabs until the user has logged in.


Anyone know a good way to do this?

WinForms 顺便说一句

WinForms btw


您只需通过 TabPages 集合从 TabControl 添加和删除 TabPages:

You just add and remove TabPages from the TabControl through the TabPages collection:




注意:删除 TabPage 不会处理它,它只是从 TabPage 集合中删除它.

Note: Removing a TabPage does not dispose it, it just removes it from the TabPage collection.

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08-14 16:20