


如果要删除它,则会出现以下错误消息: T必须是非抽象类型带有公共无参数构造函数,以便将其用作参数...

What is the purpose of new() while declaration of BaseEntityCollection class?
If I'm going to remove it, I got an error with the following message "T must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor in order to use it as parameter ..."

public abstract partial class BaseEntityCollection<T> :
       List<T> where T : BaseEntity, new()


无论您为 T 指定什么类,它都有一个默认的(无参数)构造函数。

It means that whatever class you specify for T, it has a default (no parameters) constructor.

因此,在泛型中类,您可以执行 new T(),它将创建一个T类型的新对象。

Therefore, in the generic class, you can do new T() and it will create a new object of type T.


08-14 15:44