



我有一个基于文档的可可应用程序,其中一个项目在应用程序菜单中连接到 IBAction 。单击项目需要执行在主要nib文件中使用 IBOutlet 的任务,该文件使用另一个类 MyDocument 。创建同一类的2个对象,每个笔尖中有一个似乎不工作。

I have a document based cocoa application with an item in the application menu hooked up to an IBAction. Clicking the item needs to perform a task that uses an IBOutlet in the main nib file which is using another class, MyDocument. Creating 2 objects of the same class, one in each nib seems to not be working. How can I access the outlet?



Actions for menu items are often sent to the first responder so that whatever is currently selected can act on it.


It sounds like this action is something that works on the current document, then it should be implemented by the document. In this case have the menu send it's action to the first responder and then put the action method in the MyDocument class.

如果您尝试发送的操作是自定义一个:在主菜单nib中选择First Responder项,添加您的方法名,然后将菜单项的选择器连接到操作。

If the action you are trying to send is a custom one: in the Main Menu nib select the First Responder item, add your method name, then connect the menu item's selector to the action.


Read the Responders section of the Cocoa Event-Handling Guide for more info.


08-14 15:39