In particular, the prefix operators' return-by-reference makes sense to me - it's useful, in case one wants to do further operations on the object.
由于下面的回答,看来后缀运算符不一定 必须按值返回(根据标准).
Thanks to the answers below, it appears that the postfix operator doesn't necessarily have to return by value (according to the standards).
However, due to the semantic requirements of the postfix operator (return the original value, but increment the reference to the original value afterwards), in conjunction with the standard requirement of:
正如下面的 David Rodriguez 明确解释的那样,分叉价值似乎是必要的语义要求的结果.
as explained clearly by David Rodriguez below, bifurcating the value seems to be a necessary consequence of the semantic requirements.
在这种情况下,由于我们要返回另一个值(不是原始引用,因为它将被函数的右花括号更改),因此返回另一个值 by-value 似乎是最有意义.
In this context, since we are returning the other value (not the original reference, since it will have changed by the closing brace of the function), returning the other value by-value seems to make the most sense.
Postfix operators are expressions that yield the original value and then modify the object. At the same time, operator overloads are functions, and thus all side effects must take place before the function completes. The only way of attaining the required semantics is by copying the initial state of the object before applying the change. The original state must be returned by value (if a reference was returned, the evaluation of the expression would yield the state of the object after the function completes, and thus would have the semantics of prefix operators, not postfix ones)