Can I make an NSMutableArray where all the elements are of type SomeClass?
code> -addSomeClass:方法允许编译时静态类型检查(所以编译器可以让你知道如果你试图添加一个对象,它知道是一个不同的类通过该方法)但是没有真正的方法来强制数组只包含给定类的对象。
You could make a category with an -addSomeClass:
method to allow compile-time static type checking (so the compiler could let you know if you try to add an object it knows is a different class through that method), but there's no real way to enforce that an array only contains objects of a given class.
In general, there doesn't seem to be a need for such a constraint in Objective-C. I don't think I've ever heard an experienced Cocoa programmer wish for that feature. The only people who seem to are programmers from other languages who are still thinking in those languages. If you only want objects of a given class in an array, only stick objects of that class in there. If you want to test that your code is behaving properly, test it.