



i知道我可以使用switch case,但代码太大了。无论如何在另一个项目的代码块中运行某个项目?因为那样可以完全解决我的问题。

Hey I’m writing the code for a minesweeper game in c and i want to make a menu so that the user can select the difficulty of the game like 30 by 30 with 99 bombs 16 by 16 with 30 bombs and 9 by 9 with 10 bombs. Can someone tell me how can i achieve this? like the user has to enter 1 for easy 2 for medium and... .

What I have tried:

i know i can use switch case but the code is too large. is there anyway to run a certain project in code blocks from an another project? because that would totally solve my problem.



我知道我可以使用switch case但是代码太大了。无论如何在另一个项目的代码块中运行某个项目?因为那样可以完全解决我的问题。

i know i can use switch case but the code is too large. is there anyway to run a certain project in code blocks from an another project? because that would totally solve my problem.



Even if your project was 100 times larger, it wouldn't be too large.
The difference between each level of difficulty is the size of minefield and number of mines, there is no way you need a second project for this.


08-14 14:52