



我正在处理图像处理项目(C ++),处理完成后需要将自定义元数据写入jpeg文件.我该怎么做?有可用的图书馆吗?

I'm working on an Image processing project(C++) and I need to write custom metadata to jpeg file after the processing is complete. How can I accomplish this? Is there any library available to do it ?


如果您正在谈论EXIF元数据,则可能需要查看 exiv2 ,这是一个用于处理EXIF元数据的C ++库.还有第二个库,它称为 libexif ,并使用C语言编写.

If you're talking about EXIF Metadata you may want to look at exiv2 which is a C++ library for processing EXIF metadata. There is a second lib which is called libexif and is written in C.


Exiv2 has a view examples on their website and a the API is well documented.


UPDATE: If you want to add custom metadata you could either use the MakerNote or the Comment tag.

Exif标准: PDF 参见第4.6节. 5 EXIF IFD属性信息表7,与用户信息有关的标签.

Exif Standard: PDF see Section 4.6.5 EXIF IFD Attribute Information Table 7, Tags Relating to User Information.

     MakerNote    Type Undefined Count Any
     Comment      Type Undefined Count Any


which means you're allowed to use those 2 tags for any data you want.


08-14 13:44