




I'm using junit to run a primitive benchmark like this:

public void testTime() throws Exception{
    LoadoutBase<?> loadout = new LoadoutStandard("AS7-D-DC");

    final int iterations = 1000000;

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i){
        Iterator<Item> it = loadout.iterator();
        while( it.hasNext() ){
            sum += it.next().getNumCriticalSlots();
    long end = System.nanoTime();

    long time_it = end - start;

    start = System.nanoTime();
    sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i){
        for(Item item : loadout.getAllItems()){
            sum += item.getNumCriticalSlots();
    end = System.nanoTime();

    long time_arrays = end - start;

    System.out.println("it: " + time_it + " array: " + time_arrays + " diff: " + (double)time_it/time_arrays);



very consistently but if I set iterations=10000 then I get

波动很大. diff参数的范围是0.7到1.2

with very wild fluctuations. The diff parameters is anywhere from 0.7 to 1.2


Could any one shed some light on what might be happening here? Which method should I choose?

我真正进行基准测试的是幕后工作. getAllItems创建一个新的List<Item>并通过使用addAll从16个子列表中获取所有项目来填充它. Iterator方法不是构造此临时列表,而是跟踪它当前在这16个子列表中的哪个列表中进行迭代,并具有使该16个子列表看起来像连续列表的逻辑.

What I really am benchmarking is behind the scenes work. getAllItems creates a new List<Item> and populates it by getting all items from 16 sublists using addAll. The Iterator approach doesn't construct this temporary list but rather keeps track of in which of these 16 sublists it is currently iterating and has some logic to make the 16 sublists look like a continuous list.



Since you want to test the difference between using Iterator and using enhanced for loop (which uses Iterator behind the scenes for you), then you're doing it wrong. First because JIT has enough time to improve the results on the second approach rather than in the first and several other reasons explained here: How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?. You could see very different results of this by doing these (again, as result of JIT):

  • 添加一个循环,该循环将增加执行两次迭代的次数.这是一个覆盖所有这些代码的for循环.
  • 移动增强的for循环方法,使其在之前执行.
  • Add a loop that will increase the number of times to execute both iterations. This is, a for loop that covers all this code.
  • Moving the enhanced for loop approach to be executed before.


The best way to obtain real results for your test would be to split the approaches into different methods, then measure each (apart from the JVM warm up phase and other stuff covered in prev QA). Also, I recommend you to not reinvent the wheel and use a proper benchmark framework based on JUnit. Here are two of them:

  • JUnitBenchmarks
  • Caliper


Related Q/As for benchmarking:

  • arraylist vs linked list .why linked list is slower when we add in the end?
  • Decreasing execution time of identical consecutive runs of a Java program


08-14 13:25