本文介绍了JPA / hibernate大集合的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



- @OneToMany收集子项;

默认情况下是对子集合进行延迟加载。这种模式适用于少数儿童,但如果数量变得非常大,这似乎难以为继。因此,对于那些我认为孩子数量非常大的场合,我已经使用了带分页的服务方法(如getChildren(Parent parent,int offset,int count))。





海事组织,它肯定比提供整个集合的结果页好多了通过调用 parent.getChildren()来获取,它将保存一些数据库,网络和应用服务器资源。


In a scenario with two types of entities, Parent and Child:

Parent - @OneToMany Collection children;

The default is to have lazy loading on the collection of children. This model works great for small numbers of children, but if the number grows very large this seems unsustainable. So for occasions where I think the number of children will be very large I have used service methods with paging (like "getChildren(Parent parent, int offset, int count)") instead.

Question is: is this the best way to handle situations like this? Or have I missed something?



I'd say that it all depends on what you want to do with them but in most cases, this is true.

Paging is a very natural approach if you need to display a (potentially very) large number of results for browsing. Humans most often don't want or need all records and they can't deal with huge numbers of results anyway. The case of applications having to deal with all results at once is of course different but JPA might simply not be appropriate for them.

IMO, it is definitely much better than feeding a result page with the the whole collection that you'd get by calling parent.getChildren(), and it will save some database, network, app server resources.

Another thing you might consider is restricting the max number of results when doing a search. Instead of paging 10⁶ results (who is going to browse that anyway?), it's common (at least to my experience) to ask the user to perform a more restrictive search i.e. to add search criteria until the number of results becomes human manageable. This is a bit different from your initial question though.

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08-14 13:23