

本文介绍了Apollo 无法在更新中访问 queryVariables:突变后的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 update: 在执行突变后更新查询.问题是商店中的查询应用了几个不同的变量,我想更新查询并使用相同的变量返回它.

I am trying to use update: to update a query after performing a mutation. The problem is that the query in the store has several different variables applied and I would like to update the query and return it with the same variables.

我在文档中发现 updateQueries 可以选择包含 queryVariables,这是执行查询时使用的最后一组变量.

I found in the docs that updateQueries has an option to include queryVariables which are the last set of variables that the query was executed with.

我没有找到任何描述如何从更新内部检索 queryVariables 或类似内容的内容.

I have not found anything that describes how to retrieve the queryVariables or something like it from inside of update.


lastQuery = Object.keys(store.data.ROOT_QUERY).slice(-1)[0]

将返回类似 "userRecipes({"first":20,"minTime":0,"maxTime":500,"filterType":"Explore","searchTerm":""}) 的结果"


The hacky way that I am doing this now is to parse that string to pull out the variables so I can finally use readQuery like so:

      const lastQuery = Object.keys(store.data.ROOT_QUERY).slice(-1)[0]
      const searchPosition = lastQuery.search("searchTerm")
      const searchTerm = lastQuery.slice((searchPosition + 13),-3)

      // also parsing the lastQuery string for filterType, minTime, maxTime

      const data = store.readQuery({
        query: QUERY_USER_RECIPES,
        variables: {
                filterType: filterType,
                searchTerm: searchTerm,
                minTime: minTime,
                maxTime: maxTime,


This can't be the best way to do this. Is there a simpler way to access variables inside of update?

似乎应该有一种方法可以读取存储中的现有查询和变量,而无需使用 readQuery 传递变量.

It seems like there should be a way to read the existing query and variables that are in the store without passing variables with readQuery.



[email protected]@1.4.2

[email protected]@1.4.2


对于 apollo 2,但在 1.x 中应该是一样的

在文档中,您可以看到还将变量传递给 readQuery.

In the docs, you see that you can also pass variables to readQuery.


Here is an example where a user can book an event clicking a BookEvent component, if the mutation succeeds, it is reflected automatically in the upper component EventDetail.

在触发突变的组件(BookEvent)中,我将 storeeventId 传递给在上层组件(EventDetail)中声明的函数,并通过子组件:

In the component that tiggers the mutation (BookEvent), I pass store and eventId to a function declared in the upper component (EventDetail) and passed through props of the child component:

const onClick = () => createEventTicketMutation({
  variables: { eventId: event.id },
  update: (store, { data: { createEventTicket } }) => {
    updateStoreAfterBooking(store, event.id)


Here is the function that performs the cache update in the upper component:

const updateCacheAfterBooking = (store, eventId) => {
  const data = store.readQuery({
    variables: { id: eventId },
  data.eventDetail.bookings += 1
    variables: { id: eventId },

它是这样传递的<BookEvent updateStoreAfterBooking={updateCacheAfterBooking} .../>.

不要忘记将所需的变量也传递给 writeQuery.

Don't forget to pass also the needed variables to writeQuery.

这篇关于Apollo 无法在更新中访问 queryVariables:突变后的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 13:17