



In my local machine everything work properly.When i published it it the error in the crystal report i try to solve all type of token problem but after solving token problem its show this type of problem .But i don't get any type of solution this type of problem.



  1. 首先,您检查报告文件夹,所有报告都将发送到服务器.如果不转到服务器,请将报告 Build Action 设置为 Content

  1. At first you check your report Folder and all reports goes to the server.if don't go to the server please set report Build Action as Content

然后检查您引用的dll.并设置所有 Crystal Decisions 参考 Copy Local True 都像在此处输入图片描述

Then Check you you reference and dll. And setall Crystal Decisions reference Copy Local True like asenter image description here

然后检查您的计算机 Crystal Reports Service Pack (如果安装了Service Pack 22),则必须在虚拟PC中安装 RUNTIME Service Pack 22 我希望一切正常,然后一切正常.

Then check you Computer Crystal Reports Service Pack if you install Service Pack 22 then in your virtual pc must be install RUNTIME Service Pack 22I hope if every thing is ok then it work properly.


08-14 13:04