


I have a fairly complicated structure, and it is not working as intended. This is what I did:

public interface ResultServiceHolder {
    <M, ID extends Serializable, BO extends BusinessObject<M, ID>> ResultService<M, ID, BO> getService();

public enum ResultTypes implements ResultServiceHolder {
        public ResultOneService getService() { //unchecked conversion?
            return serviceInitializer.getResultOneService();
        public ResultTwoService getService() {  //unchecked conversion?
            return serviceInitializer.getResultTwoService();
        public ResultThreeService getService() {  //unchecked conversion?
            return serviceInitializer.getResultThreeService();

    protected ServiceInitializer serviceInitializer;

    protected void setServiceInitializer(ServiceInitializer serviceInitializer) {
        this.serviceInitializer = serviceInitializer;

    public static class ServiceInitializer {
        private ResultOneService resultOneService;

        private ResultTwoService resultTwoService;

        private ResultThreeService resultThreeService;

        public void init() {
            for(ResultTypes resultType : ResultTypes.values()) {



The purpose was to generalize the call based on enums, and rather, just be able to iterate on the array of enums.

    for(ResultServiceHolder resultServiceHolder : ResultTypes.values()) {
        if(resultServiceHolder.equals(post.getPostResultTypeCode())) {
            return resultServiceHolder.getService().createResultSearchCriteriaResponse(postId);


And this is working fine and dandy. However, if I'd say


那么它是一个 BaseRepository 而不是 BaseRepository.方法 resultTypeHolder.getService() 返回了 ResultService,但最后变成了 Object可序列化.

Then it is a BaseRepository<Object, Serializable> rather than a BaseRepository<ResultTypeOne, Long>. The method resultTypeHolder.getService() gives back ResultService<M, ID, BO>, but in the end, it becomes Object andSerializable.



I'd like to add that yes, I do realize the problem is somewhere with the unchecked casting. But the services are defined as

public interface ResultTypeOneService
    extends ResultService<ResultTypeOne, Long, ResultTypeOneBO> {


And I don't know why the types are not inferred.


EDIT: Technically, it works if I explicitly infer them:

ResultTypes.RESULT_TYPE_ONE.<ResultTypeOne, Long, ResultTypeOneBO>getService().getRepository()


But it ought to be automatic, why is it not working automatically? Am I supposed to provide it with some kind of object that contains the type? Why is the return type not enough for that?

EDIT2:ResultTypeOne 的超类是

public abstract class EntityBase implements Serializable {


But it is not mapped anywhere in the bounds.


EDIT3: A big thank you to @Radiodef! The theoretic solution ended up to be the following, and would work perfectly fine:

public interface ResultServiceHolder<M, ID extends Serializable, BO extends BusinessObject<M, ID>> {
    ResultService<M, ID, BO> getService();

public abstract class ResultTypes<M, ID extends Serializable, BO extends BusinessObject<M, ID>>
    implements ResultServiceHolder<M, ID, BO> {

    public static ResultTypes<?, ?, ?>[] values() {
        return new ResultTypes<?, ?, ?>[] {RESULT_ONE, RESULT_TWO, RESULT_THREE};

    public static final ResultTypes<ResultOne, Long, ResultOneBO> RESULT_ONE = new ResultTypes<ResultOne, Long, ResultOneBO>("Result One") {
        public ResultOneService getService() {
            return serviceInitializer.resultOneService;
    public static final ResultTypes<ResultTwo, Long, ResultTwoBO> RESULT_TWO = new ResultTypes<ResultTwo, Long, ResultTwoBO>("Result Two") {
        public ResultTwoService getService() {
            return serviceInitializer.resultTwoService;
    public static final ResultTypes<ResultThree, Long, ResultThreeBO> RESULT_THREE = new ResultTypes<ResultThree, Long, ResultThreeBO>("Result Three") {
        public ResultThreeService getService() {
            return serviceInitializer.resultThreeService;

    protected String name;

    protected ServiceInitializer serviceInitializer;

    private ResultTypes(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    protected void setServiceInitializer(ServiceInitializer serviceInitializer) {
        this.serviceInitializer = serviceInitializer;

    static class ServiceInitializer {
        private ResultOneService resultOneService;

        private ResultTwoService resultTwoService;

        private ResultThreeService resultThreeService;

        public void init() {
            for (ResultTypes resultType : ResultTypes.values()) {

我认为由于解决方案变得冗长,我将坚持使用 enum 方法,并接受这种边界损失.我必须添加自己的 values() 实现而失去的比我从强制执行这些界限中获得的要多.不过,这是一个有趣的理论练习,再次感谢您的帮助.

I think because of how lengthy the solution becomes, I'll stick with the enum approach, and just accept this loss of bounds. I lose more by having to add my own values() implementation than I gain from enforcing these bounds. However, this is an interesting theoretical exercise, and thank you again for your help.



Okay, first you need to understand why what you're doing is probably not what you think it's doing. Let's look at a simpler example.

interface Face {
    <T> List<T> get();


What you have there is a generic method, get. A generic method's type parameter depends on what is supplied by the call site. So for example like this:

Face f = ...;
// this call site dictates T to be Number
List<Number> l = f.<Number>get();


class Impl implements Face {
    public List<String> get() { return ...; }


This is something you are able to do (only because of erasure) but you probably shouldn't. It's only allowed for backwards compatibility to non-generic code. You should listen to the warning and not do it. Doing it means that for example I can still come along and dictate it to return something else:

Face f = new Impl();
// now I've caused heap pollution because you
// actually returned to me a List<String>
List<Number> l = f.<Number>get();


This is why there is an unchecked conversion.


What you probably meant is to use a generic interface declaration:

interface Face<T> {
    List<T> get();

现在 T 的参数取决于对象引用的类型.

Now the argument to T depends on the type of the object reference.

Face<Number> f = ...;
// get must return List<Number>
List<Number> l = f.get();


class Impl implements Face<String> {
    public List<String> get() { return ...; }

此外,您无法访问枚举上的协变返回类型.当您覆盖枚举常量的方法时,它的类是匿名的.匿名类没有名字,不能被引用.因此程序员无法知道它的协变返回类型来使用它.此外,枚举不能声明泛型类型参数.所以你想要做的事情对于 enum 来说是不可能的.

Additionally, you cannot access covariant return types on an enum. When you override methods on an enum constant, its class is anonymous. An anonymous class has no name and cannot be referred to. Therefore the programmer cannot know its covariant return type to use it. Furthermore, an enum cannot declare generic type parameters. So what you are wanting to do is simply impossible with enum.

您可以使用带有 public static final 实例的类来模拟通用枚举:

You can use a class with public static final instances to simulate a generic enum:

public abstract class SimEnum<T> implements Face<T> {
    public static final SimEnum<Number> A = new SimEnum<Number>() {
        public List<Number> get() { return ...; }
    public static final SimEnum<String> B = new SimEnum<String>() {
        public List<String> get() { return ...; }

    private SimEnum() {}

    public static SumEnum<?>[] values() {
        return new SimEnum<?>[] { A, B };


Otherwise you need to drastically change your idea.


08-14 12:11