


I want a string of all the characters of the alphabet randomized. Right now, I create a mutable array of the 26 characters, shuffle them with the exchangeObjectAtIndex: method and then add each character to a string that I return.


There has to be a better way to do this. Here is my code:

- (NSString *)shuffledAlphabet {
    NSMutableArray * shuffledAlphabet = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:@[@"A",@"B",@"C",@"D",@"E",@"F",@"G",@"H",@"I",@"J",@"K",@"L",@"M",@"N",@"O",@"P",@"Q",@"R",@"S",@"T",@"U",@"V",@"W",@"X",@"Y",@"Z"]];

    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [shuffledAlphabet count]; ++i) {
        // Select a random element between i and end of array to swap with.
        int nElements = [shuffledAlphabet count] - i;
        int n = (random() % nElements) + i;
        [shuffledAlphabet exchangeObjectAtIndex:i withObjectAtIndex:n];

    NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] init];
    for (NSString *letter in shuffledAlphabet) {
        string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",string,letter];

    return string;


这是一种高效的 Fisher-Yates随机播放,适合您的用例:

Here's an efficient Fisher-Yates shuffle, adapted to your use case:

- (NSString *)shuffledAlphabet {

    // Get the characters into a C array for efficient shuffling
    NSUInteger numberOfCharacters = [alphabet length];
    unichar *characters = calloc(numberOfCharacters, sizeof(unichar));
    [alphabet getCharacters:characters range:NSMakeRange(0, numberOfCharacters)];

    // Perform a Fisher-Yates shuffle
    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < numberOfCharacters; ++i) {
        NSUInteger j = (arc4random_uniform(numberOfCharacters - i) + i);
        unichar c = characters[i];
        characters[i] = characters[j];
        characters[j] = c;

    // Turn the result back into a string
    NSString *result = [NSString stringWithCharacters:characters length:numberOfCharacters];
    return result;


08-14 11:57