


I already looked for an answer here but none applied to my particular case. I have an arrayList

ArrayList<GridItem> gridItems = new ArrayList<>();


To which the user can add entries through interacting with the app. I understand that SharedPreferences doesn't work with objects and I can't get gson to work.


I would like to save the arraylist in onPause and look for a preexisting saved list in onCreate. Is this the correct approach?


I should clarify that each entry is made of two string. This is the obj constructor:

public GridItem(String Name, String Path){
        mName = Name;
        mPath = Path;


so each entry is basically like this:

gridItems.add("a name", "/sdcard/emulated etc etc")


所以我设法使其正常运行,这是许多代码的混合体.首先,在onCreate中,我会初始化ArrayList,如果有一些要还原的数据,它将完成工作,否则它将创建一个empy ArrayList.

So I managed to get it working, It was a mixture of a lot of code.First of all in the onCreate i initialize the ArrayList, and if there is some data to restore it does the work, otherwise it creates an empy ArrayList.

In onCreate
    // Create an ArrayList of GridItem objects
            gridItems = new ArrayList<>(); // Now gridItems = []

            SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(MainActivity.this);
            Gson gson = new Gson();
            String json = sharedPrefs.getString(TAG2, null); //Retrieve previously saved data
            if (json != null) {
                Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<GridItem>>() {}.getType();
                gridItems = gson.fromJson(json, type); //Restore previous data
    //Initialize the view
    //NOTE if you pass a null ArrayList<GridItem> the app will crash
            gridAdapter = new GridItemAdapter(this, gridItems);
//etc etc


In on pause i take the ArrayList actually present on screen and place it in json form. Then I save that json value and use it in OnCreate


//Set the values
        SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(MainActivity.this);
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPrefs.edit();
        Gson gson = new Gson();

        String json = gson.toJson(gridItems); //Convert the array to json

        editor.putString(TAG2, json); //Put the variable in memory


08-14 10:45